what we do

Solar PV

Renewable Energy

Our experienced team works jointly
to change the way clean energy solutions are introduced
to our clients.

Utility Scale Ground Mount

Over the last decade, solar PV plants have grown in size and deployment capacity to become a mainstream power source. Being a natural intermittent power producer comes with its own set of issues. Since its establishment, B.R. Archstrct has successfully completed multiple utility scale ground mount projects in a variety of regions, and has been the preferred engineering consultant in the majority of cases. 


Rooftop installations, which were once only used for home purposes, have recently made their way into the industrial world. B.R. Archstruct has a thorough understanding and experience with a variety of rooftop installation scenarios, allowing them to deliver scenario-specific solutions for clients.


Solar PV modules are becoming more popular for solar car parks, and as the globe shifts toward electric vehicles (EVs), car ports are becoming an ideal site for EV charging. With its extensive experience, B.R. Archstruct can assist with application-based engineering for solar car ports.

Solar Parks

Large solar PV parks delivering power at exceptionally high voltages become an appealing solution for countries seeking energy transition and cost savings; this essentially supports achieving large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Solar parks, given the GW size projects in nature, necessitate massive infrastructure and facilities.

B.R. Archstruct has extensive experience working on solar park projects for some of the industry’s most prestigious names; our work portfolio demonstrates our knowledge and experience. We have extensive expertise delivering ground investigations, infrastructure planning, and power evacuation systems for solar parks.

Canal Top

Due to extensive use of land in the state for agriculture purpose, the Canal Top Solar Plants provide an alternative to add pollution free solar generation capacity since it utilizes the vacant space over the canals and no land cost is involved. In addition to that, it reduces the evaporation of water from the canal which helps in conservation of water. B. R. ARCHSTRUCT has extensive experience working on canal top projects over the huge unsupported span ranging from 30 to 50m.

Hill Top

Contour structures are a great option to tracking systems because they require less upkeep. The Contour can be installed in any type of soil and can withstand up to a 20% gradient. At B.R. Archstruct, we install solar power projects without causing much disturbance to the land’s strcture and rather we work in harmony to land’s structure to make the most use of the land’s structure. The Contour saves time and money by requiring less site grading. The Contour jig assembly enables for more efficient module installation, lowering labour costs and ensuring accurate panel alignment.

We are one of the independent
Solar Energy & Architecture Consulting Firms

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